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Will Citizens United Win It for Romney?
So, as much as Citizens United has changed the electoral landscape, its effects on the presidential race alone are likely to be muted. Unfortunately, this probably won’t be the case for smaller congressional and state congressional races, where less is known about candidates’ records.
Don't Forget About Congress
Everyone should go vote in November and follow not just the presidential race, but also the congressional ones. Everyone should strive to be well informed on all the candidates’ positions.
Enough Vague Campaigning
It’s been a tiring primary season filled with mostly broad, sweeping statements from both sides with figurative or actual “booing” from the opposite side. As we enter into the next phase of presidential and legislative debates, I hope we will hear more details.
For Better or Worse: How the Electoral College Affects How Candidates Do Business
Ultimately, whether these nearly-toss-up states become a bigger part of the campaign dialogue is dependent on the economy. An improved economy could be Obama’s biggest asset when courting the big states he needs.
Primaries Are Important Too
In many congressional and state electoral contests, one party is dominant, making the primary the determinative (though not definitive) election. It is worrisome that so many of these decisions are being made through a largely neglected primary process.
Obama's Politicized Commencement Speech
However, the speech was peppered with evidence of an underlying assumption, one that I find prevalent at Barnard College and particularly offensive. It is this pervasive idea that “women,” as an entity, are a homogenous block of singularly minded individuals
Obama's Non-political Women Speech
President Barack Obama’s speech to the Barnard College 2012 graduating class focused on how this group of smart young women can help move our country forward. His speech focused on women and how women can change the world, which is fitting as the commencement speaker for one of the world’s best women’s college.
Election 2012: Third Wheel
Traditionally, third-party candidates receive next to no attention in presidential races, mostly because it is an accepted truth that one could never win an election.
Election 2012: March Madness
March, previously forecast as the month that would decide the Republican presidential nomination (read: the month that Romney would clinch it), has instead reduced the race to an excruciating slog to 1144.
Grand Ol' Pageant
Overall, the roundabout guessing game of who will win does not really matter amid the candidate-media interplay. In this seemingly symbiotic relationship between journalism and politics, how do the two really interact?
Waiting, Sitting, Wishing
On December 6 this past year, I was anxious to get to Goma, a city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), to witness the nation’s presidential election.