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Elizabeth Strassner Elizabeth Strassner

Highway 270: Wisconsin

Because field offices work primarily to motivate voters to turn out at the polls, Wisconsin field support will make-or-break the Badger State for the Democrats.

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Elizabeth Strassner Elizabeth Strassner

Highway 270: Colorado

Colorado makes for an interesting microcosm of the nation as a whole—its median voter rather than its extremist blocs—in that its voters tend to be amongst the most politically moderate in the United States.

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Elizabeth Strassner Elizabeth Strassner

Highway 270: Virginia

The ideal Romney-Obama argument over Virginia must be rooted in promise, rather than retrospection—that is, Romney must convince Virginians that their economic stability is precarious and that four more years of the Obama administration will bring it to a halt.

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Elizabeth Strassner Elizabeth Strassner

Political Minutes: The European Crisis in its Political Context

The event was timely in light of recent conjecture surrounding the European Central Bank’s predicted interest rate cut, which is will lower interest rates to 0.50 percent (down from 0.75) in an attempt to boost growth throughout the faltering eurozone.

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Elizabeth Strassner Elizabeth Strassner

Highway 270: Missouri

Romney could coast to a victory by default, the natural result of an election where the Democrats lack either the impetus or the funds to campaign on the scale of their Republican opponents. In a state where SuperPAC money flows like the Mississippi River, this is both a possible outcome and a probable one.

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Elizabeth Strassner Elizabeth Strassner

Highway 270: Florida's Elderly Vote

Obama’s success in the Sunshine State (and, for that matter, throughout the country) may hinge on his ability to convince voters, young and old, that his Affordable Care Act will genuinely benefit them by lowering insurance costs and expanding eligibility for treatment, without bankrupting the government.

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