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Buckeye Bull’s-eye
With only a week left until Election Day, and after every political pundit and their brother has run through their theorized Electoral College scenarios again and again … let’s run through just a few more
Not One for Talking
This election year has seen U.S. energy policy and the debate on global warming (does it exist, if it does who/what is responsible, and what we should do about it) get quite a bit of airtime, but from a distinctly 2012 tack.
Who Cares About Obamacare?
The current split within the American society and economic uncertainty made the Obamacare more likely to strengthen Romney’s position. On the contrary, most of the reform supporters were seemingly going to support Obama in any case (whether the bill was passed or not). Why did Obama need to adopt the healthcare in his first term and accept all the risks associated to playing on the nerves of the independent Republican-leaning public?
The Bain Train
It was inevitable that President Obama and Vice President Biden would begin attacking Mitt Romney’s former role as co-founder and head of the highly successful Bain Capital private equity firm.
Election 2012: Third Wheel
Traditionally, third-party candidates receive next to no attention in presidential races, mostly because it is an accepted truth that one could never win an election.
Election 2012: March Madness
March, previously forecast as the month that would decide the Republican presidential nomination (read: the month that Romney would clinch it), has instead reduced the race to an excruciating slog to 1144.