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World Nadine Mansour World Nadine Mansour

Egypt’s Party Scene

At present, the Egyptian political scene sees the negotiations over its constitution as its primary struggle for the future. The political climate, nonetheless, that will emerge is not bound by new laws: It is an ethos that will characterize how the country expresses its pluralistic interests for years to come.

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Nadine Mansour Nadine Mansour

Political Minutes: Bob Woodward speaks to the Journalism School

Woodward is critical of the fact that today’s journalists cover presidential speeches that represent weeks of work in a matter of minutes with a blog and a tweet. Taking no time to reflect and critically analyze, journalists hastily move on to a new topic after a post on their blog.

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Nadine Mansour Nadine Mansour

Political Minutes: The Libyan Transition

Following NATO’s intervention and U.N. Security Council Resolution 1970 referring the crimes in Libya to the ICC, Libya’s revolution has faced a tension surrounding the impending trial of former Qaddafi loyalists

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World Nadine Mansour World Nadine Mansour

Morsi, the Temporary Dictator?

The work of groups like the National Front, which includes renowned Egyptian journalists, academics, and political analysts, keeps Morsi’s powers in check. Hopefully, his quasi-dictatorial powers won’t last long.

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World Nadine Mansour World Nadine Mansour

No Longer a Family Affair

Certainly an organization representing a global unified body would have the most legitimacy. The UN was formed with the core principles of peace and security in mind, but a lack of unity of member states only allows magnifies the problems on the ground.

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World Nadine Mansour World Nadine Mansour

Don't Worry Yet

Despite changing governance in the region, the United States will uphold its policies of the past three decades so long as it continues offering aid to the Egyptian military and the military respects its peace treaty with Israel.

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World Nadine Mansour World Nadine Mansour

Elections Aren't Everything

Elections indicate a positive step in the transition away from authoritarianism and toward democracy, but they are not always a means of reassuring that a transitioning country is in optimum condition. Elections are a means, not an end, of the post-authoritarian transition process.

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World Nadine Mansour World Nadine Mansour

Egypt’s Military Coup: Take Two

Revolutionary forces must recognize that the military has been in power since 1952, and the decisions of the SCAF over the year and a half “transitional” period have only tried to preserve the old order. The sad truth is that alliance between the people and the army was only a means for the SCAF to pursue its own agenda.

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