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Romney-Ryan Offers Hope for America
But even more importantly, the selection of Ryan sends the message that Romney will push for policies that he believes are best for this country, even if they may be politically unpopular.
Uncle Sam Can Help
But perhaps recognizing that government has the important role of not just supporting, but rather getting everyone to the same starting point — Tocqueville’s “equality of conditions” — will dispel the notion that government is incompatible with individual effort and a thriving civil society.
Reframing the Debate
In today’s political environment, expediency often takes precedence over good policy making. But the sooner we realize that there isn’t a magic bullet for fixing the economy, the closer we’ll get to fixing it.
Gone With the Trend
More reports as poor as this one would reinforce an image of an economy that is...nauseatingly stuck in the middle of a recovery, leaving many Americans desperate for employment. If this is the case come November, Romney will have a very good chance to unseat the president.